The Next Generation of Lupus Researchers

Research Week: The Next Generation of Lupus Researchers

There’s only 48 hours to go in Research Week. Today, we're taking another look behind the science to explore what scientists are doing to improve the quality of life for people with lupus.  
Lupus research depends on scientists—scientists who have the knowledge and skills to do the hard work of understanding this complicated and complex disease.
They are the ones who will make the breakthroughs that will lead to better treatments and eventually cures for lupus.
Yet, lupus researchers, and particularly rheumatologists, are facing severe funding shortages.
That’s why we’re so excited to have the expanded support of the John and Marcia Goldman Foundation to help young scientists establish a lupus research career. The Gary S. Gilkeson Career Development Award (CDA) provides funding to rheumatology, nephrology and dermatology fellows who are interested in the most critical areas of lupus research.
This funding helps them get their career in lupus research started today so that they can become the next generation of lupus researchers and be prepared to make the advances we need to end this devastating disease.
Without programs like this, there will be a critical shortage of lupus researchers.
Leslie Hanrahan's signature
Leslie Hanrahan
Senior Vice President of Research and Education
P.S. We’ll soon be announcing the winners of this year’s Career Development Award. Be sure to check your inbox for the big announcement and meet the next generation of lupus researchers. 
Quote from Leslie Hanrahan
The Lupus Foundation of America
2121 K Street NW Ste 200, Washington DC 20037

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