Breaking news!
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As a dedicated lupus advocate, we'd like to provide you with an update to the ongoing federal appropriations process. Earlier today, the Senate Appropriations Committee advanced its fiscal year 2020 Department of Defense funding bill which included lupus research as a priority condition eligible for funding through the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program!
The Senate's action comes after the House Appropriations Committee passed their Defense funding bill that included $10 million for the Lupus Research Program at the Department of Defense, a 100% increase in funding from fiscal year 2019.
Congress continues to recognize the importance of lupus research at the Department of Defense, and the high-impact research into every aspect of lupus that it is funding. To learn more about the research being funded through the Department of Defense, click here.
As always, we are especially thankful to every lupus advocate who has contacted their members of Congress in support of lupus research. Your voices and your stories make victories like these possible, and we are honored to have you as our partner as we work on these critically important issues.
Next Steps
The Senate's Defense funding bill will now move to the full Senate for consideration and passage. Once the Senate has passed the bill, they will form a Conference Committee with the House to resolve the differences in their versions of the bill and prepare a version for final passage. Click here to learn more about the legislative process.