Invisible Illness Patients & Caregivers - Speak Up!
Invisible Illness Patients & Caregivers - Speak Up!
As you may know, September 10th-16th marks Invisible Illness Awareness Week (#iiwk12). In the hopes of helping those with Invisible Illness to raise awareness, WEGO Health is hoping to feature bloggers, tweeters, and facebook leaders with invisible illness in various articles, blogposts, and other pieces of content that we create! We'll be holding a panel with Invisible Illness patients and caregivers to help create the content and wanted to make sure you had a chance to participate.
To join us, fill out our quick survey here: Invisible Illness Awareness Panel
Can't make it? Like us on Facebook to follow along with all of the great health-related programs we offer!
Susan M.
Vice President, Community Relations
Vice President, Community Relations
P.S. If this Roundtable isn't the best fit for you but you're interested in attending others in the future, tell us which health conditions you discuss most often: Health Topics.