Tired of Being Tired?
Lupus News |
Tired of Being Tired?
That's why much of our research focuses on discoveries that can lead to treatments to better address the debilitating effects of lupus while our funded scientists drive toward a cure. Fatigue is often cited as one of the most hated symptoms that treatments often cannot relieve. Hear why from nine lupus warriors.
Potential Treatment for Lupus Skin Inflammation, Discovered with Lupus Research Alliance Funding
After exposure to sunlight, many people with lupus develop a rash that can itch, burn, and even lead to scars. With two grants from the Lupus Research Alliance, scientists led by Dr. Theresa Lu may have discovered an innovative new approach for treating these symptoms that copies the effects of protective cells that normally live in the skin.
Introducing This Month’s Featured Blogger
Dr. Jill Buyon is a member of the NIH Accelarating Medicines Partnership (AMP) Rheumatoid Arthritis/Lupus Network of research sites. The Lupus Research Alliance is also proud to be a partner in this public-private program which aims to speed the process of discovery.